Why can’t we shoplift??? All these companies like err Topman, House of Frasier, Selfridges etc all buy merchandise in bulk from places where people make them for like freaking half a penny and then they have the bloody gall to sell it to us for like 30quid a pop!!! aaaaaaand the people who actually make the items don't get squat so why cant we shoplift!!! It’s not like big shops actually lose much when we do!! Ok obviously if everyone went around shoplifting then it would be silly but what I propose is to just have a select few who are allowed to shoplift like say for instance me ... u know for the good of mankind people!!!!! As for morals we-ell they are getting flushed down the loo nowadays anyways so like hmmm ye-eh!! And it’s not like it’s a major offence like killing someone or raping someone...aaaand it gives you orgasmic feelings of being high without any nasty stuff involved like drugs or any emotional attachments needed with a guy! If that makes sense!
Being paid by someone for sex and not delivering in a casual way in my opinion is not prostituting yourself...yet if u look deeper it’s still seen as selling your body because you are putting a prize on yourself and on your body. Tremors of disgust run up my back when I think about prostitution because I think it’s a disgusting, self degrading thing to do, however if there wasn’t a market for it we wouldn’t have it! Yet I still believe there is no reason for a person to do such a thing for money, im not on about drug abusers, I mean women with children who go out and prostitute themselves for money. Now especially in Britain I believe that there are a lot more help being given to those with children and financial problems then any other country in the world, and I know most people who will read this will not agree and probably think im chatting shit but this country helps more than most and gives all sorts of benefits, you might not be able to live well off on it but u can live ok and without degrading yourself or losing your self-respect!
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