How can anyone think having an affair can make a marriage stronger??? If you get away with it once you are going to do it again and again. All the vows people make to about staying faithful and crap where do they go?? Nobody can justify having an affair. It's stupid and wrong and i do not think having an affair sorts anything out. In the handouts given to us most of the people having affairs said it saved there marriages but how could it when they were all going out looking for something that's missing in their marriages. Isn't love supposed to give you everything in a marriage so how can anything be missing? I don't believe you can not love without sexual attraction; you can have sexual attraction without love. If these people where so sure it had made their marriages stronger and better than they should give their partners a chance to do the same! An open relationship is better than just a one sided one.

Arsenal Till I Die said...
i agree with what u are saying.. i dont understand how an affair can save a relationship.. if anything it would put an official end to it!..but i do think that there are reasons to justify an affair and no matter how dumb(like u!) they are, they are still reasons. i mean if you arent gettin what you want from a relationship, youre gona go look elsewhere and turn to someone who can provide it. but still it is wrong because people should talk about their problems before they go around shagging other people.i also agree that you cant love without some sort of physical attraction, whether it is their smile, hair, lips or their sexy left toe.if you and your bull,had an issue and no form of communication was helping to resolve the problem.. what would u do? everyone has the right to be happy and fulfilled whether its is love/sex or something completly different. we only live in this life once, we might aswel be happy at the expense of others, and then they can be happy at the expense of other, and so on etc etc.. the world would be a much happy place if we all just had a big fat world wide gang bang!
16 March 2007 01:39
Miz cheeky said... (which is my reply)
if me and my bull as u eloquently put it had an arguement n nothing could resolve it den as much as i love him we would have to go our seperate ways. Cheating is just too fucked up to contemplate. Theres no excuse for it.
18 April 2007 15:31
i agree with what u are saying.. i dont understand how an affair can save a relationship.. if anything it would put an official end to it!..but i do think that there are reasons to justify an affair and no matter how dumb(like u!) they are, they are still reasons. i mean if you arent gettin what you want from a relationship, youre gona go look elsewhere and turn to someone who can provide it. but still it is wrong because people should talk about their problems before they go around shagging other people.i also agree that you cant love without some sort of physical attraction, whether it is their smile, hair, lips or their sexy left toe.if you and your bull,had an issue and no form of communication was helping to resolve the problem.. what would u do? everyone has the right to be happy and fulfilled whether its is love/sex or something completly different. we only live in this life once, we might aswel be happy at the expense of others, and then they can be happy at the expense of other, and so on etc etc.. the world would be a much happy place if we all just had a big fat world wide gang bang!
16 March 2007 01:39
Miz cheeky said... (which is my reply)
if me and my bull as u eloquently put it had an arguement n nothing could resolve it den as much as i love him we would have to go our seperate ways. Cheating is just too fucked up to contemplate. Theres no excuse for it.
18 April 2007 15:31
i agree with what u are saying.. i dont understand how an affair can save a relationship.. if anything it would put an official end to it!..but i do think that there are reasons to justify an affair and no matter how dumb(like u!) they are, they are still reasons. i mean if you arent gettin what you want from a relationship, youre gona go look elsewhere and turn to someone who can provide it. but still it is wrong because people should talk about their problems before they go around shagging other people.
i also agree that you cant love without some sort of physical attraction, whether it is their smile, hair, lips or their sexy left toe.
if you and your bull,had an issue and no form of communication was helping to resolve the problem.. what would u do?
everyone has the right to be happy and fulfilled whether its is love/sex or something completly different. we only live in this life once, we might aswel be happy at the expense of others, and then they can be happy at the expense of other, and so on etc etc.. the world would be a much happy place if we all just had a big fat world wide gang bang!
if me and my bull as u eloquently put it had an arguement n nothing could resolve it den as much as i love him we would have to go our seperate ways. Cheating is just too fucked up to contemplate. Theres no excuse for it.
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