When the lecturer started to read the prayer from the Bible the poor guy looked embarrassed enough for all of us haha when he first started to read the prayer out hardly anyone knew what he was on about, since there was noise and he spoke so softly but once I got the gist of it I wasn’t embarrassed, scared or angry as such, I was more curious. You know when there is a preacher in the middle of your town centre screaming out to the Lord to help all us sinners you just stand there and watch out of curiosity as to why is he doing it and what he gains from it and if he will spontaneously combust if he screeches any louder? That kind of curiosity was in me ok not so much that kind but you get the drift. Hmmm acts if faith in public have never bothered me I mean if someone pulled out a Bible or the Qur'an next to me and started to read it I would most likely start asking questions(trust me I would I’ve done it before), wearing religious garbs has never bothered me either I’m actually fascinated with what the monks wear and the religious nikhaab (Muslim women wear these) besides I always in my hearts of hearts cheer them on because I don’t have the guts to wear something like that probably because I’m vain, I like people to recognise me oh don’t get me wrong I’m not the put war paint on before breakfast and have a L’Oreal hair flick type, no way!! But I m not uglyfied either! Don’t I sound like a bitch?!!! haha Anyways as I was saying open displays of religion do not bother me unless I was being hogged or dogged by someone hell bent on making me see the 'errors' of my ways then we'd have trouble. I honestly don’t think there is a way of being too religious, well I can’t think of a way at the moment. I mean I am not a religious person in the sense that I hardly ever practice what my faith tells me too but I know that you have to be as religious as much as possible. I think a good religion moves with the times however it doesn't change with the times. A religious person, in my opinion, adapts the world to the religions views not the religion to the world’s views. Sounds harsh and backwards I know but I cant help feeling that that’s the way it should be but hey I cant say sh*$ because a)im no scholar and b) I just about know the basics of my religion to say anything!!!
On the hand being an idiot is a different story when you start doing things you know are wrong but sticking the name of religion as an excuse that is not being religious it’s actually being not religious enough. Protests are one things but burning others faith colours and wrong messages against others faiths on placards is not religion. Suicide bombers, taking innocent lives is not being religious, that is cultures and corruption and misguidance of teachings. Phew!!! I should stop there. Sorry you’re probably bored reading this now, what can I say, im a very passionate person!!
On the hand being an idiot is a different story when you start doing things you know are wrong but sticking the name of religion as an excuse that is not being religious it’s actually being not religious enough. Protests are one things but burning others faith colours and wrong messages against others faiths on placards is not religion. Suicide bombers, taking innocent lives is not being religious, that is cultures and corruption and misguidance of teachings. Phew!!! I should stop there. Sorry you’re probably bored reading this now, what can I say, im a very passionate person!!

I better not have CIA knocking at my door for searching terrorist and religious sites!!!!
1 comment:
hii i really liked reading that.. u know if we werent friends.. i think we would become friends lol.
if people are confident in what their faith tells them then other people displaying their religion should not affect them.(does that make sensey??) or make them want to preach their own religion.
no-one can be TOO religious, theres no such thing. following your faith in every single way is not extreme rather its passion, love and faith.
what do you think about those people who do not follow a religion??
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