That was excellent!!!! Wow I really enjoyed that lecture. That guy was soooo cooool!!! Loll I sound like a ten year old but I have to say it was really impressive I even stayed for the gory bits but they weren’t that bad! I really found it interesting about tattoos not just being fashionable art on the body but some actually having meanings and significance beneath it! Especially in religious contexts! I mean wow!! And it’s been going on since Egyptian time!! Religious tattooing and tattoos to honour the dead and to show your heritage is incredible and piercing to show the same almost sounds romantic!! I know I know I’m pathetic but you can’t help but be touched by raw emotion of the extremes done to show who they are and where they're from!! Unfortunately I can't say I feel the same for others who copy sacred symbols without knowing what they mean and as for piercing...well there’s piercing and then there’s PIERCING!! I mean freaking ouch, youch and whyyy???? Cuttings??? Piercing your privates?!! Some for sexual pleasure? I mean hooow? Don’t get me wrong I like kinky but freaky?!!! Not to that extreme!! I’ve never thought of normal ear piercing, cutting hair and wearing high heels as a form of body modification so it was quite a surprise to realize we all change something about ourselves to look good or out of rebellion or because we want a change. I’ve yet to meet anyone who is truly happy with what they look like. Plastic surgery to me is more like freaking torturing yourself I mean yyyyyy??? There’s no point! Fashion changes constantly one minute being curvy is in the next its stick thin I mean y bother??!! Your natural self will be in fashion at least once in your life time!! call it addiction, obsession or freakination its a shame to what lengths people go to change oneself because at the end of the day there will always be some who will have something else that needs to be pierced or tattooed or plasticfied but will never be satisfied. In my opinion the West has done what it’s always excelled at, taken something pure and meaningful from someone else’s way of life and adapted it and almost cruelly manipulated it to its extreme, just to see how many boundaries it can push!!(Don’t know if I quite believe it but sounded really good in my head besides it really makes you think if just maybe whether I am right) haha.
2 really good sites about body modification. Second one was my favourite!

yes u ARE pathetic.. and stop making up stupid words like FREAKNITION and PLASTICFIED..
i agree with what you said about ppl using sacred symbols as tattoo's when they do not even know the significance or history behind it!..
i still think extreme tattooing and peircing all over the body is just a whole other level that must have a different theory to why they do it...!!
comment on my blogs u prick u havent commented on any of them hostile wild hog!
i can make up whatever words i want FREAKAZOID!! its my blog so haha tramp!
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