What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Social care and criminal justice combined
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
Yes in a sense
If so, how? And if not, why not?
The modules have a common link which is sociology; it helped me to understand society and what it considers to be ‘bad’. It also gave some insight into general views of what the public thinks and if I ever came a cross someone doing something from the ‘being bad’ subjects I know I would handle it better than I would have before the module.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I found it at an appropriate level. It was a good module, we were learning new things each week and being brought into discussions instead of sitting there with mindless slugs.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
Yes I think the list was appropriate. I think all the topics were really good discussion/argument types.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
I would have like to see vampirism in the topic; it’s a really good subject with a lot of myth and legend linked to it.
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
Yes the format has worked well,
What did you think of the module team?
Fantastic, they were really great.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
I do not think it would have worked for this module because the lecture was discussed around the lecturer as well as the students, it was more fun hearing everyone’s viewpoints and having the lecturer as well s others respond back to it.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Yes it would have been nicer to see more people participate as a whole, in some topics the response and discussions were brilliant but in others it kind off dwindled. Topics like bad comedians, gambling and bandits and outlaws I think were less discussed.
Information and talk from lecturers?
No that was enough! Although some more prompting and discussion type questions would have worked better in some topics.
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes I think it was a very useful was of approaching the topics, it gave a broader understanding about each topic and the links with each perspective made you think in a different way. It was really interesting and like some lectures did not lead to boredom.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes they are a very good idea. They work well in the module.
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Yes, very much so.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Yes I think it would work well
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
I have to check it out first but if it sounds interesting so I might do it.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes I would definitely recommend it.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Yes I do, I think they help people to write down what they really think and to interact with people in the class better than they would in small discussions.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I preferred two short assessments rather than longer ones.
What have you learned from the module?
I have learnt something new each week! Like the history on body modification and masturbation and that infidelity sites are a lot more common than I thought they were. I have also learnt a bit about human behaviour like with body modification, we all do it and it is mostly to attract others to ourselves and about infidelity, some people would rather cheat and stay together with their spouses than cheat and get found out or just have a clean break and divorce. Some claim they love their spouses and having affairs has made their relationship stronger and actually believe it!
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I found the lectures and hand outs really useful. It was all useful there was nothing really useless about it.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
Again don’t think there was any waste of time involved in it
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
It has been a wicked module and I loved it all. The lecturers have been the coolest I have had so far!! Especially Mark, its a shame he didn't teach more of the topics and i have to admit i am soo jelous of his hair!!!!
Thank you for teaching!!!
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Bad comedians

Well it depends on what you mean when you say BAD comedians. Is it bad meaning rubbish or bad meaning naughty? These days everyone’s a critic especially towards comedians so if you’re a rubbish one you would get slaughtered!! Now a naughty comedian in my opinion gets away with everything, people like Richard Pryor, Billy Connolly and the others mentioned in the lecture whose name I can not remember and since the presentation on Wolf is corrupted or something I can not get too, as I was saying people like Richard Pryor paved the way for comedians to get away with making a joke about everything and anything. Comedians can be sexist, racist and any other 'ist' they want to be. No subject is taboo for them; they seem to be above the certain rules of political correctness and political delicacy employed by society. If a normal random person instead of a comedian just suddenly started spouting, in the middle of a town centre, half the things some comedians say he would most likely be arrested for disturbing the peace!! On the other hand there’s a reason why comedians are still in business it’s because we love them!! We love being able to stop being politically correct and all that for like an hour and a half and to just be able to sit back and laugh at something without being called Racist or Sexist or any other 'ist'! Comedians give us a respite from Society's Rules and Regulations and to be honest some of what they take the mock out of is true! Comedians in some of their jokes and performances do have a point, we all think what they say and we know it to be true but we never mention it. However not all comedians were 'ists' so to speak. I mean look at Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin they were hilarious and they were not 'Bad' unfortunately that type of slapstick comedy is out at the moment. Just like fashion comedy changes with time, so it might not be long before bad comedians are out and slapstick is back!!
Here’s a list of Comedians you’ll be surprised with how many names you know of it...i was!
Here’s a list of Comedians you’ll be surprised with how many names you know of it...i was!
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Gambling like lying or body modification we all do it or have done it but moderately. What I mean is small things that you would not consider as gambling like I bet you or I dare you and so on is that really being bad? In my books losing money or possessions through gambling is bad but small time betting, there’s nothing wrong with it. Putting money on horses or dogs and similar bets to me are more English and more of a British thing while the American version is Hollywood style gambling like the Las Vegas strip!! To me that signifies a meaner and harder version of gambling and the British type is the softer type. You know were just might lose a tenner or a fiver but in Vegas you could lose your livelihood and more!!

However, the casino is an exciting place to visit. Players visit the casino for different reasons. Some take the time to learn the skills needed to play the games with the primary goal of winning money. The majority of players visit the casino for entertainment. Playing the games is an enjoyable experience and the lure of winning money adds to a player's excitement. Some players enjoy the adrenaline rush and experience a high that accompanies the thrill when they risk their money on the games.Nowadays for many gambling has turned into an addiction and it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. When the thrill of the game outweighs everything else, the player has crossed over the line from player to addict. Gambling, like all addictions can be devastating for the person and his/her family. Internet gambling is just as bad if not worse because you can do it from the comfort of your own home! However, gambling is seen as an addiction and there are sites dedicated to help those in need of beating that addiction. The site below gives information on everything you need to know about gambling addiction and counselling programs.

However, the casino is an exciting place to visit. Players visit the casino for different reasons. Some take the time to learn the skills needed to play the games with the primary goal of winning money. The majority of players visit the casino for entertainment. Playing the games is an enjoyable experience and the lure of winning money adds to a player's excitement. Some players enjoy the adrenaline rush and experience a high that accompanies the thrill when they risk their money on the games.Nowadays for many gambling has turned into an addiction and it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. When the thrill of the game outweighs everything else, the player has crossed over the line from player to addict. Gambling, like all addictions can be devastating for the person and his/her family. Internet gambling is just as bad if not worse because you can do it from the comfort of your own home! However, gambling is seen as an addiction and there are sites dedicated to help those in need of beating that addiction. The site below gives information on everything you need to know about gambling addiction and counselling programs.
Monday, 7 May 2007
Lying with integrity
Lying is wrong because we have been conditioned to think it is wrong! why? it is because telling someone an untruth causes harm to others emotionally and leads to in some cases dire consequences, however I don't think anyone can name one family which has no secrets or lies among them! Everyone in the world tells lies, be it a little white lie which won’t harm anyone or a major lie which causes harm to whomever it touches. On the other hand truths also hurt, truths can destroy lives and families in some cases so isn’t truth they just as bad a lie? I mean it is human nature to avoid pain be it emotional or physical. We all try and minimise hurt so lying works as a barrier, not all the time, but most of the time so why is it seen as bad? Obviously if you set out to hurt someone with a lie then it is wrong but also if you use truth the same way it is also wrong yet people still maintain always tell the truth. I think this is because of morality; we have it in our heads that morality means telling the truth but in my books it is the intention of the act that breeds morals. If someone was being chased by an axe murderer and the guy went and hid in a shop and the axe murderer asked you where the man was what would you do? Lie or tell the truth?Utilitarianism is a theory based around pleasure versus pain. Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, found pain and pleasure to be the only intrinsic values in the world: "nature has put man under the governance of two sovereign masters: pleasure and pain." From this he derived the rule of utility: that the good is whatever brings the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people.So basically if lying causes happiness to more people than telling the truth, then that is what we should do and most people do follow that rule, if not consciously then certainly sub-consciously. How many of us have told someone they love that they look really good on something when secretly you think ewwww?? but because we know no good will come out of telling the truth it would only cause hurt we lie., and then there is politicians...but enough said about them!!!
Monday, 30 April 2007
Firstly ewwwwwwwwwwwwww i never sound like that when im kissing I mean ewwwww that was nasty. That guy was such a freaking beeep beeep beeeeeep I mean I wanted to grab him and rip his nuts off!!what a dog!!! The movie was a really thought inspiring though i mean i can kind of see why it was made. Most likely as a shock tactic for parents. Really made you wonder about how we view Kids as innocent when we say' awww they just kids' but really they more cunning than we give them credit for! That guy who went around sleeping with virgins he sooo needs to be tortured I mean the first girl he’s shagging in the movie has just hit puberty it just made you feel sick!!! The ending made me go hmmmmm... I mean it really made you think about the rape laws and the fact that the guy raped the girl but then woke up with no idea what had happened and before that the scenes with the old men and women, it made you think which one of them did what these 'kids' were doing when they were young and will these 'kids' grow up to be like the oldies or like the homeless man also shown!!
Saturday, 28 April 2007
response and reply to body modification
Arsenal Till I Die said...
yes u ARE pathetic.. and stop making up stupid words like FREAKNITION and PLASTICFIED..i agree with what you said about ppl using sacred symbols as tattoo's when they do not even know the significance or history behind it!..i still think extreme tattooing and peircing all over the body is just a whole other level that must have a different theory to why they do it...!!comment on my blogs u prick u havent commented on any of them hostile wild hog!
28 April 2007 00:39
Miz Cheeky said...
i can make up whatever words i want FREAKAZOID!! its my blog so haha tramp!
28 April 2007 15:38
yes u ARE pathetic.. and stop making up stupid words like FREAKNITION and PLASTICFIED..i agree with what you said about ppl using sacred symbols as tattoo's when they do not even know the significance or history behind it!..i still think extreme tattooing and peircing all over the body is just a whole other level that must have a different theory to why they do it...!!comment on my blogs u prick u havent commented on any of them hostile wild hog!
28 April 2007 00:39
Miz Cheeky said...
i can make up whatever words i want FREAKAZOID!! its my blog so haha tramp!
28 April 2007 15:38
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Body modifications!!

That was excellent!!!! Wow I really enjoyed that lecture. That guy was soooo cooool!!! Loll I sound like a ten year old but I have to say it was really impressive I even stayed for the gory bits but they weren’t that bad! I really found it interesting about tattoos not just being fashionable art on the body but some actually having meanings and significance beneath it! Especially in religious contexts! I mean wow!! And it’s been going on since Egyptian time!! Religious tattooing and tattoos to honour the dead and to show your heritage is incredible and piercing to show the same almost sounds romantic!! I know I know I’m pathetic but you can’t help but be touched by raw emotion of the extremes done to show who they are and where they're from!! Unfortunately I can't say I feel the same for others who copy sacred symbols without knowing what they mean and as for piercing...well there’s piercing and then there’s PIERCING!! I mean freaking ouch, youch and whyyy???? Cuttings??? Piercing your privates?!! Some for sexual pleasure? I mean hooow? Don’t get me wrong I like kinky but freaky?!!! Not to that extreme!! I’ve never thought of normal ear piercing, cutting hair and wearing high heels as a form of body modification so it was quite a surprise to realize we all change something about ourselves to look good or out of rebellion or because we want a change. I’ve yet to meet anyone who is truly happy with what they look like. Plastic surgery to me is more like freaking torturing yourself I mean yyyyyy??? There’s no point! Fashion changes constantly one minute being curvy is in the next its stick thin I mean y bother??!! Your natural self will be in fashion at least once in your life time!! call it addiction, obsession or freakination its a shame to what lengths people go to change oneself because at the end of the day there will always be some who will have something else that needs to be pierced or tattooed or plasticfied but will never be satisfied. In my opinion the West has done what it’s always excelled at, taken something pure and meaningful from someone else’s way of life and adapted it and almost cruelly manipulated it to its extreme, just to see how many boundaries it can push!!(Don’t know if I quite believe it but sounded really good in my head besides it really makes you think if just maybe whether I am right) haha.
2 really good sites about body modification. Second one was my favourite!

Sunday, 22 April 2007
Being too religious

When the lecturer started to read the prayer from the Bible the poor guy looked embarrassed enough for all of us haha when he first started to read the prayer out hardly anyone knew what he was on about, since there was noise and he spoke so softly but once I got the gist of it I wasn’t embarrassed, scared or angry as such, I was more curious. You know when there is a preacher in the middle of your town centre screaming out to the Lord to help all us sinners you just stand there and watch out of curiosity as to why is he doing it and what he gains from it and if he will spontaneously combust if he screeches any louder? That kind of curiosity was in me ok not so much that kind but you get the drift. Hmmm acts if faith in public have never bothered me I mean if someone pulled out a Bible or the Qur'an next to me and started to read it I would most likely start asking questions(trust me I would I’ve done it before), wearing religious garbs has never bothered me either I’m actually fascinated with what the monks wear and the religious nikhaab (Muslim women wear these) besides I always in my hearts of hearts cheer them on because I don’t have the guts to wear something like that probably because I’m vain, I like people to recognise me oh don’t get me wrong I’m not the put war paint on before breakfast and have a L’Oreal hair flick type, no way!! But I m not uglyfied either! Don’t I sound like a bitch?!!! haha Anyways as I was saying open displays of religion do not bother me unless I was being hogged or dogged by someone hell bent on making me see the 'errors' of my ways then we'd have trouble. I honestly don’t think there is a way of being too religious, well I can’t think of a way at the moment. I mean I am not a religious person in the sense that I hardly ever practice what my faith tells me too but I know that you have to be as religious as much as possible. I think a good religion moves with the times however it doesn't change with the times. A religious person, in my opinion, adapts the world to the religions views not the religion to the world’s views. Sounds harsh and backwards I know but I cant help feeling that that’s the way it should be but hey I cant say sh*$ because a)im no scholar and b) I just about know the basics of my religion to say anything!!!
On the hand being an idiot is a different story when you start doing things you know are wrong but sticking the name of religion as an excuse that is not being religious it’s actually being not religious enough. Protests are one things but burning others faith colours and wrong messages against others faiths on placards is not religion. Suicide bombers, taking innocent lives is not being religious, that is cultures and corruption and misguidance of teachings. Phew!!! I should stop there. Sorry you’re probably bored reading this now, what can I say, im a very passionate person!!
On the hand being an idiot is a different story when you start doing things you know are wrong but sticking the name of religion as an excuse that is not being religious it’s actually being not religious enough. Protests are one things but burning others faith colours and wrong messages against others faiths on placards is not religion. Suicide bombers, taking innocent lives is not being religious, that is cultures and corruption and misguidance of teachings. Phew!!! I should stop there. Sorry you’re probably bored reading this now, what can I say, im a very passionate person!!
I better not have CIA knocking at my door for searching terrorist and religious sites!!!!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Smoking should or shoudnt we??
Arsenal4Life said...
shut up u dog u love smoking and nicking fags from me u tramp!! and when i ask 4 one from u, u go into an epileptic fit like emily rose..!i changed my profile and dont try n nick my picture u bruce willis wannabe!x
Arsenal4Life said...
shut up u dog u love smoking and nicking fags from me u tramp!! and when i ask 4 one from u, u go into an epileptic fit like emily rose..!i changed my profile and dont try n nick my picture u bruce willis wannabe!x
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Bandits and outlaws...well outlaws mostly
Is it just me or outlaws in movies are cu-ute!! An outlaw is a person living the lifestyle of outlawry, meaning literally "outside of the law." In the common law of England, a judgment declaring someone an outlaw was one of the harshest penalties in the legal system, to be declared an outlaw was to suffer a form of civil death. However Hollywood has adopted the legends told after the deaths of outlaws and turned them into almost heroic figures. Bonnie and Clyde even have a song about them done by Marle Haggard
"Bonnie was a waitress in a small cafe
Clyde Barrow was the rounder that took her away
They both robbed and killed until both of them died
So goes the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde.
The poems that she wrote of the life that they led
Told of the lawmen left dying or dead
Some say that Clyde made her life a shame
But the legend made Bonnie the head of the game.
The rampage grew wilder with each passing day
The odds growing smaller with each get-a-way
With the end growing closer the harder they fought
With blood on their hands they were bound to get caught.
They drove back from town on one bright summer day
When a man they befriended stepped out in the way
With no thought of dyin' they pulled to the side
But death lay there waiting for Bonnie and Clyde.
Two years or runnin' was ended that day
For robbin' and killin' they both had to pay
But we'll always remember how they lived and died
So goes the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde."
They both robbed and killed until both of them died
So goes the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde.
The poems that she wrote of the life that they led
Told of the lawmen left dying or dead
Some say that Clyde made her life a shame
But the legend made Bonnie the head of the game.
The rampage grew wilder with each passing day
The odds growing smaller with each get-a-way
With the end growing closer the harder they fought
With blood on their hands they were bound to get caught.
They drove back from town on one bright summer day
When a man they befriended stepped out in the way
With no thought of dyin' they pulled to the side
But death lay there waiting for Bonnie and Clyde.
Two years or runnin' was ended that day
For robbin' and killin' they both had to pay
But we'll always remember how they lived and died
So goes the Legend of Bonnie and Clyde."
By the time Hollywood had finished working on outlaws and bandits they were good guys turned bad by the law and government yet they are the ones that seem to be doing the laws job of helping those in need, while the law sucks up to the rich and helps them get fatter and fatter hmm... law hasn’t changed much, has it?. Robin Hood has been retold a hundred thousand times and is a favorite story of mine. However while most people like me probably think it was a fictional character, there are others who say proof of the man still exists. In the link below Graham Phillips states that there was a man named Robert Hode and that Robin is a nickname for Robert and Hode is old English for Hood!!! He also states that Little John and Maid Marion were real people and that Hood was killed by some weirdo, well it doesn’t really say that but I can’t be bothered looking back and checking it. BUUT im telling you it is really some fascinating shiii....stuff
these last lyrics were in the handouts given in the lecture and I thought they tired in with what I have been babbling on about you know good guys turned bad yet still being good guys
Well, you say that I'm an outlaw, You say that I'm a thief. Here's a Christmas dinner For the families on relief. Yes, as through this world I've wandered I've seen lots of funny men; Some will rob you with a six-gun, And some with a fountain pen. And as through your life you travel, Yes, as through your life you roam, You won't never see an outlaw Drive a family from their home.
Speaking of Hollywood the new Jesse James movie coming out with the sexy gorgeous Brad Pitt arrrrgh drool sooo yummy!! Especially in Fight Club yummmmmmmmmm
Tuesday, 13 March 2007

How can anyone think having an affair can make a marriage stronger??? If you get away with it once you are going to do it again and again. All the vows people make to about staying faithful and crap where do they go?? Nobody can justify having an affair. It's stupid and wrong and i do not think having an affair sorts anything out. In the handouts given to us most of the people having affairs said it saved there marriages but how could it when they were all going out looking for something that's missing in their marriages. Isn't love supposed to give you everything in a marriage so how can anything be missing? I don't believe you can not love without sexual attraction; you can have sexual attraction without love. If these people where so sure it had made their marriages stronger and better than they should give their partners a chance to do the same! An open relationship is better than just a one sided one.

Arsenal Till I Die said...
i agree with what u are saying.. i dont understand how an affair can save a relationship.. if anything it would put an official end to it!..but i do think that there are reasons to justify an affair and no matter how dumb(like u!) they are, they are still reasons. i mean if you arent gettin what you want from a relationship, youre gona go look elsewhere and turn to someone who can provide it. but still it is wrong because people should talk about their problems before they go around shagging other people.i also agree that you cant love without some sort of physical attraction, whether it is their smile, hair, lips or their sexy left toe.if you and your bull,had an issue and no form of communication was helping to resolve the problem.. what would u do? everyone has the right to be happy and fulfilled whether its is love/sex or something completly different. we only live in this life once, we might aswel be happy at the expense of others, and then they can be happy at the expense of other, and so on etc etc.. the world would be a much happy place if we all just had a big fat world wide gang bang!
16 March 2007 01:39
Miz cheeky said... (which is my reply)
if me and my bull as u eloquently put it had an arguement n nothing could resolve it den as much as i love him we would have to go our seperate ways. Cheating is just too fucked up to contemplate. Theres no excuse for it.
18 April 2007 15:31
i agree with what u are saying.. i dont understand how an affair can save a relationship.. if anything it would put an official end to it!..but i do think that there are reasons to justify an affair and no matter how dumb(like u!) they are, they are still reasons. i mean if you arent gettin what you want from a relationship, youre gona go look elsewhere and turn to someone who can provide it. but still it is wrong because people should talk about their problems before they go around shagging other people.i also agree that you cant love without some sort of physical attraction, whether it is their smile, hair, lips or their sexy left toe.if you and your bull,had an issue and no form of communication was helping to resolve the problem.. what would u do? everyone has the right to be happy and fulfilled whether its is love/sex or something completly different. we only live in this life once, we might aswel be happy at the expense of others, and then they can be happy at the expense of other, and so on etc etc.. the world would be a much happy place if we all just had a big fat world wide gang bang!
16 March 2007 01:39
Miz cheeky said... (which is my reply)
if me and my bull as u eloquently put it had an arguement n nothing could resolve it den as much as i love him we would have to go our seperate ways. Cheating is just too fucked up to contemplate. Theres no excuse for it.
18 April 2007 15:31
MMMM masturbation

Did anyone read the Portnoys complaint extract? It was sooo funny but the poor guy. I’m a bit confused about whether there was something wrong with him or he just liked to masturbate a lot. Is that just a guy thing or are women like that too? I personally don't see the pleasure in arousing yourself. Wouldn't it be more fun with a partner? I think its up to the individual to see it as wrong or right. At the moment I don't have urges or am curious enough to masturbate but I can’t really say for the future that I might not try it. However if it’s taken to extremes I think it can be harmful to a person physically if not done properly and especially if your using toys and mentally. Mentally in a way that the individual might withdraw from interacting with other people and find it harder to build sexual or emotional relationships.
on the other hand in the BBC news in 2003 it was stated that men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation.... go figure... lol the articles on this website

Thursday, 22 February 2007

I wrote on Heids blog ...
lolz!!loved ur blog.thort it was very funni!!as for the being bad confessions well at least it stirred up alot of the people who were fallin asleep with the borin confessions :D
20 February 2007 14:38
To Heids blog...
i also like your blog name very unsual (need a liver...)wot made u choose that?
20 February 2007 14:39
lolz!!loved ur blog.thort it was very funni!!as for the being bad confessions well at least it stirred up alot of the people who were fallin asleep with the borin confessions :D
20 February 2007 14:38
To Heids blog...
i also like your blog name very unsual (need a liver...)wot made u choose that?
20 February 2007 14:39
Heid said...
I like this post. It's rather nice and eye-pleasing to be presented instantly with a picture of...Garfield :)
23 February 2007 15:01
pad_a said...
Very cheeky picture :) - thank you for your comment on mine - will update field trip with more detail shortly- p:)
28 February 2007 01:03
Very cheeky picture :) - thank you for your comment on mine - will update field trip with more detail shortly- p:)
28 February 2007 01:03
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Week three: Shoplifting and prostituition

Why can’t we shoplift??? All these companies like err Topman, House of Frasier, Selfridges etc all buy merchandise in bulk from places where people make them for like freaking half a penny and then they have the bloody gall to sell it to us for like 30quid a pop!!! aaaaaaand the people who actually make the items don't get squat so why cant we shoplift!!! It’s not like big shops actually lose much when we do!! Ok obviously if everyone went around shoplifting then it would be silly but what I propose is to just have a select few who are allowed to shoplift like say for instance me ... u know for the good of mankind people!!!!! As for morals we-ell they are getting flushed down the loo nowadays anyways so like hmmm ye-eh!! And it’s not like it’s a major offence like killing someone or raping someone...aaaand it gives you orgasmic feelings of being high without any nasty stuff involved like drugs or any emotional attachments needed with a guy! If that makes sense!
Being paid by someone for sex and not delivering in a casual way in my opinion is not prostituting yourself...yet if u look deeper it’s still seen as selling your body because you are putting a prize on yourself and on your body. Tremors of disgust run up my back when I think about prostitution because I think it’s a disgusting, self degrading thing to do, however if there wasn’t a market for it we wouldn’t have it! Yet I still believe there is no reason for a person to do such a thing for money, im not on about drug abusers, I mean women with children who go out and prostitute themselves for money. Now especially in Britain I believe that there are a lot more help being given to those with children and financial problems then any other country in the world, and I know most people who will read this will not agree and probably think im chatting shit but this country helps more than most and gives all sorts of benefits, you might not be able to live well off on it but u can live ok and without degrading yourself or losing your self-respect!
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Field Trip!!
The guy from HARRY POTTER's in a new stage thing which looks really good. It’s about his sexual fixation with horses and it’s really controversial and so beautifully ties in with Being Bad!! This means we soooo got to go watch it!
Smoking should or shoudnt we??
Smoking is a hard one. Being an ahem... occasional smoker (when I can nick a fag of someone) it’s hard to say if it should or shouldn't be banned. I mean I go through stages of hating the fag, swearing I’ll never smoke again and then almost on my knees dying for the long, slim item between my lips craving for the luscious smoke to enter my lungs and hold it in and breathing it back out.. MMMMMM niiiice!!So im kind of on the fence on this debate!!,3604,1013605,00.html,3604,1013605,00.html
This module started a couple of weeks ago and at first I weren’t to sure about it but now it’s absolutely fantastic!! Loll it’s the best module I have done so far!!The 1st lecture was hilarious, me and my mates couldn’t decide on what to write so I just stuck down something that popped into my head out of the blue, me being the dopey idiot that I am I thought no one would read it but it was read, n I am so glad it was anonymous coz animal rightistststss or whatever u call them would be after my blood!!! Hehe
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